Gambling is no new acquaintance to us human beings. We as a race have always enjoyed the experience of gambling and winning. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that there is a certain amount of thrill and joy that is associated with the practice of gambling. That is the only reason that can explain the huge craze that we human beings have built around it. To mention that gambling is an enjoyable experience is a definite understatement.
When one talks about the history of gambling, it is hard to put an exact date to when it might have come into existence. It is partly because gambling as a practice did not come into existence in one single place. Almost all the ancient civilizations and cultures that existed on this planet have had the practice of gambling being practiced and enjoyed in some form or the other. Today gambling has evolved to encompass the digital sphere as well. through online gaming and online gambling platforms. players and users get to enjoy online gambling games like สล็อต slots whenever they feel like it.
The practice of gambling and its past:
Many believe that the much-loved practice of gambling is as old as the human species itself. Apart from prostitution, the gambling industry is believed to be the oldest industry to have been brought into existence by our early ancestors. Both of these industries continue to exist and thrive even today. making them the two oldest industries on the planet. Much like human evolution, gambling has also continued to keep evolving with time.
As time passed different forms of gambling came into existence. And it would be wrong to say that these different gambling
practices have managed to keep us human beings entertained through the ages. All prominent civilizations and cultures had the practice of gambling thriving in their times as well. the ancient Indian Indus valley civilization for example is credited to have invented the playing dice that we much enjoy today.
A brief look into the evolution of gambling:
Much like the ancient Indus valley civilization, the contemporary ancient Greeks and Egyptians too had various forms of gambling being practiced and enjoyed in their societies. It is common knowledge at this point that the ancient Romans too enjoyed the engaging experience of gambling in more ways than one. One of the most famous forms of gambling in the Roman era was to bet at sports events, tournaments, etc. Today, online gambling platforms have managed to completely revolutionize the gambling industry. Popular online gambling games like สล็อต slots have become extremely popular in recent times.
People from the ancient roman society enjoyed watching and betting at events like animal races, gladiator tournaments, gladiator fights, chariot races, etc. it is believed that the cards that we are so fond of today originally originated in the yellow river valley civilization from ancient China. The ancient Etruscan society is credited to have structured gambling into an industry. Making it one of the oldest industries to continue to exist even today.